Mike Dixon and Chris Auman enlist the help of fellow zinesters & music nerds to create a new issue of this funny, nostalgic look at used records and tapes of decades past. This review zine features contributions from Liz Mason (Caboose zine), Billy McCall (Proof I Exist zine), Jim Fath (@boringdadmusic), David Gill (writer/teacher), Mike Dixon (@icecoldsox), and Chris Auman.
Used Records & Tapes #2 review zine
5.5 x 8.5 in. 40 pages, full-color glossy cover, b&w throughout, stapled, 80 lb paper, 110 lb cover
...this is a remarkably well-produced little book, and a nice collection of music criticism. Most endearing are the hand-drawn reproductions of reviewed album covers, some impressively accurate and others delightfully off-kilter. The reviews themselves also tend towards the funny. By its nature, Used Records & Tapes deals primarily in nostalgia, but none of the critics leave their biases unexamined. Some reviews are vectors for personal stories, of live shows or music discovered as a youth, and some reflections more on music history in general, and the changing landscape of pop, rap, or boy bands.—Ian Gregory, ComicsXF