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Reglar Wiglar zine #14 includes an interview with the fantastic Cincinnati rock band Fairmount Girls by Tim from Toledo. Chris Auman conducts a very drunken interview with Chicago band Ether Frolics. Auman also interviewed the cartoonist hilarious Sam Henderson. 


And as always, in this issue were the usual snark-filled zine and record reviews plus comics by Hilary Abuhove, Stepan Chapman, Carrie Golus, Jesse Reklaw, Bill Driscol, and more.

Reglar Wiglar zine #14

  • Written by Chris Auman with contributions from  Tom "Tearaway" Schulte, Nick Sondy, and Bill Driscoll

    Cover by Chris Auman

    Artwork by Hilary Abuhove, Carol Bales, Max DeZutter, Bill Driscoll, Stepan Chapman, Carrie Golus, Jesse Reklaw, and John Knight

  • 8.5" x 11" 48 B&W pages, black and white on blue cardstock

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