ANALWIZARDS comic book game is not just a beautifully and awesomely illustrated comic from the Genchi Brothers, it's also a totally playable tabletop game. The easiest way to describe the game is as a twisted take on a choose-your-own adventure. While it includes RPG elements, they're minimal — they don’t require prior experience. This allows players to focus on appreciating the artistic direction without being bogged down by tracking spells, items, or stats.
The game is straightforward to follow and set up. All you need to play is a pen and paper for noting the items you collect and the ANALWIZARDS game app to track your stats. While a playing piece isn't necessary—you can simply use your eyes to navigate—the addition of a small token can be helpful for moving through the game’s pages, which can become cluttered. The average duration of a game is about 45-60 minutes,.
ANALWIZARDS comic book game
Concept: David Genchi & William Genchi
Artwork: David Genchi
Editor: Michele Nitri
Graphic Design: Marco Cirillo Pedri
Playtester: Simone Alberto Grifone
Off-set printing, stapled binding, 96 pages, full-color, 23x33cm