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RoosterCow Press titles


About RoosterCow Media

RoosterCow Media is run by me, Chris Auman. It includes a small press and distro (RoosterCow Press, est. 2014), a web store (RoosterCow Store, est. 2022), and a record label (RoosterCow Records, est. 2001). 

RoosterCow Store

The RoosterCow Store is a curated collection of things I think are cool. There are publications from RoosterCow Press and releases from RoosterCow Records, of course, but there's also an assortment of zines, comics, and books, as well as  music releases by friends and collaborators. The inventory is always changing.

RoosterCow Press

RoosterCow Press was established in 2014 with the publication of Reglar Wiglar #22 zine. Since then I have published a few dozen zines and comics.

RoosterCow Records

RoosterCow Records officially began in 2001 with the release of Reagan National Crash Diet’s debut album Administration. While the RoosterCow origins go back much further, it became a real label at this point. I don’t have the time or resources to run a proper label, but the work goes on in digital form and mostly on Bandcamp.


What's on your mind? It might be on my mind too.

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